
BMW and Jaguar slammed for importing banned Chinese parts and cars

Major car manufacturers, including BMW, Jaguar Land Rover, and Volkswagen, are under investigation for using parts from Chinese suppliers accused of forced Uyghur labour. The parts in question, primarily LAN transformers, were imported from Sichuan Jingweida Technology Group (JWD), which is banned under the U.S. Uyghur Forced Labour Prevention Act (UFLPA) since December 2023.

A recent US Democratic staff report, titled “Insufficient Diligence: Car Makers Complicit with CCP Forced Labour,” highlighted that Bourns Inc., a supplier for BMW and Jaguar Land Rover, imported thousands of vehicles into the US containing these banned parts. Approximately 8,000 BMW Mini Cooper cars may also be affected.

Volkswagen disclosed that some of its shipments included the banned components. The UFLPA, enacted in 2021, prohibits importing goods made with forced labour, particularly targeting the Xinjiang region of China, where the Uyghur minority is allegedly exploited.

Senate Finance Committee chair Ron Wyden criticized automakers for inadequate self-policing and called for stricter enforcement by Customs and Border Protection. The ongoing semiconductor and AI tensions between the US and China further complicate the issue, with both nations imposing trade bans.

Chinese authorities have denied the forced labour allegations, claiming the UFLPA harms employment in Xinjiang rather than protecting human rights.

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