JCC Annual Flagship Conference 2024 on Expanding Trade and Investment in Central Asia and the South Caucasus

Geneva, Switzerland, September 12, 2024 – The JCC Annual Flagship Conference on “Trade and Investment in Central Asia and the South Caucasus: Expanding Regional Cooperation and Improving Business Climate” concluded successfully at the Hotel President Wilson in Geneva. Organized by the Joint Chamber of Commerce (JCC) Switzerland-Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South Caucasus, in partnership with JTI, ABC France, Burckhardt Compression, and Finance Contact, the event focused on the economic potential of Central Asia and the South Caucasus, particularly regarding regional cooperation and regulatory improvements for trade and investment.

Held alongside the WTO Annual Public Forum, the conference gathered diplomats, business executives, and industry experts to discuss how these regions can leverage their strategic positions as transit hubs in international transport corridors. Emphasizing the importance of intra-regional coordination, participants explored both opportunities and challenges for sustainable growth in the area. A delegation from ABC France also attended the conference, benefiting from the discussions and business networking opportunities.

Conference Highlights:

After a warm welcome by Dorit Sallis, Executive Director of JCC, Ambassador Andrea Rauber-Saxer, Head of Bilateral Economic Relations Divisions at SECO, delivered a keynote speech that set the tone for the event. She underlined Switzerland’s role in fostering economic ties with Eurasian nations and improving the region’s investment climate.

Key Discussions:

  1. Panel 1: Setting the Scene – Identifying Trade and Investment Opportunities in Central Asia and the South Caucasus
    This panel brought together senior representatives from both the public and private sectors, including:
    • H.E. Ambassador Kairat Sarzhanov, who highlighted Kazakhstan’s pivotal role in regional trade.
    • Murat Seitnepesov, President of the Greater Caspian Association, who focused on the region’s potential as a key player in emerging global transport corridors.
    • Henrik Eklund from Burckhardt Compression and Christof Lachat from Victorinox, who shared valuable insights into their business operations in these regions.
  2. Panel 2: Challenges to Trade & Investment and Possible Solutions
    The second panel addressed hurdles such as infrastructure limitations, regulatory barriers, and the need for political stability to attract foreign investment. Speakers included:
    • Ambassador Omar Sultanov from Kyrgyzstan, who spoke about fostering a welcoming environment for investors.
    • Ramunas Macius from JTI and Nikolaus Kohler from M&M Militzer & Münch International, who highlighted the critical need for reliable logistics and transport routes.
    • Jürgen Helmle from LeverX and Andreas Ragaz from the SECO Start-Up Fund, who emphasized the importance of technological innovation and start-up investment in driving economic growth.

Closing Remarks & Networking Reception:

The event concluded with closing remarks by H.E. Ambassador Tatiana Molcean, Executive Secretary of the UNECE, followed by a networking reception where attendees had the opportunity to build valuable connections.

This year’s conference showcased the growing role of Central Asia and the South Caucasus in global trade, emphasizing the need for stronger regional cooperation and regulatory reform to unlock the region’s full economic potential.

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